Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

Founder Makes Plea Posted: Thursday, January 19, 2012



The Association was formed by an Original committee comprising President Barry Leaney, Secretary/Treasurer Alan Webb, Terry Seery, Steve Matthews, Graham Morgan, Bruce Howe, Dave Ferguson.

Through the efforts of these men we were able to achieve a membership of over 600 former NSW Police Cadets.

The idea of getting former Cadets together came from a group of about 10 or 12 who had kept in contact over the years with regular lunches.

It first began in 2003 with a notice being placed in the two Sydney morning papers of the intention to hold a reunion lunch at Sutherland United Services Club on 19-3-2004.  184 attended and it has grown from there.

Further reunion/lunches have been held since, allowing many former mates an opportunity to renew aquaintances and reflect on the good times of our youth. However, the last reunion held in 2011 only attracted 50 or so members.

ember interest has dropped off markedly, to the point that unless we get behind the association we fear that this wonderful organisation will cease to exist.

It was a unique group of young men who served in the NSW Police Cadets. We are sure that it was to you, as it was to us, the best time of our lives.

The hard yards have been done.  For instance how can we ever repay the hard work/long hours that Bruce Howe our historian spent at Kingswood combing the records to produce an accurate listing of members, culminating in the writing of the book The Police Cadets of NSW?  The effort it took to arrange the printing of that history; the work that went into the incorporation of our association; the struggle to obtain permission to use the word “Police” in our name.  This has all been done, all that it needs is for a few enthusiastic workers to arrange on-going functions.   Surely, this wouldn’t be too onerous for younger members? 

We therefore urge you to attend the AGM on Wednesday 16th May 2012 at 12md at City of Sydney RSL and support our association.

All the hard work has been done, we are up and running we only need a committee to keep it going in the right direction. In this electronic age you do not need to reside in Sydney to be involved.

We need new blood to rekindle the interest – we are an association of over 600 members but can only get 50 or so to attend a reunion. In 2013 it is our 80thAnniversary, our 75th anniversary attracted 300 members who had a great day.  The way we are heading we will be lucky to have an 80th Anniversary.


Alan Webb, Cadet No., 1660,
Association Member No., 1
Foundation Secretary  
Email; spiderwebb1945@hotmail.com.
Phone 02 9501 5530 –  0412 276117.

Barry Leaney, Cadet No. 1292,
Association Member No. 5,
Foundation  President.