Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

Executive Returned At AGM PLUS Minutes Posted: Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Association's executive were all returned in a motion of confidence shown towards the group who has led the organisation over the past 12 months.

Before a conservative crowd in excess of 20 members, Association president, Don Kell, read his report from a prepared statement whilst secretary-treasurer, Ian Moore tabled a detailed account of the financial transactions over the past 12 months.  Both took questions from the floor.

All past members of the executive were returned while Peter Webb, cadet no. 3078, was elected to a position on the Board.

The oldest member in attendance was 86 year old John Byrne who joined the cadets in July 1940.

The meeting discussed the annual get together at the City of Sydney RSL on Wednesday 17 November. 

The president made a point of telling the attendees that they were restricted to 130 and would have to shut off acceptances after that number was reached.  The cost is $55 per head which can be paid online to the Police Credit Union using the following details: account name - NSW Ex-Police Cadets Assn Inc. BSB - 815000 A/C No. 241807. 

Please ensure you put your name or cadet number in the details part when submitting.  Otherwise send a cheque for $55, plus any donation you may consider applicable, to P O Box 485 Ettalong Beach, NSW 2257.  For more details phone Don Kell on 0404 618 531.

A tip:  Get your money in early to avoid disappointment.

The meeting discussed several social events besides the November get together including a tentative gathering in March 2011 at Tweed Heads and a Bar-b-que at the old Police Academy in Bourke Street, Redfern, date to be fixed.

The next committee meeting is on 13 October.

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Time Commenced:  12:00HRS




David Ferguson,  Ian Moore,  Don Kell, Keith Thoms.  Anthony Holland, Mark Allman,  Rob Linney,   John Clarke, Ian Granlan,  Peter Webb,  John Seaward, John T Byrne,  Chris Evans,  Allan Webb.



Stephen Matthews,  Terry Healy,  Mike Edgerton,  Colin Irwin.


President’s Report  read by Don Kell (Pres). Concerning last twelve months of the Association.


Treasurers Report presented by Ian Moore  (Sec.Treas).


Moved:  John Byrne.      Seconded by:  Dave Ferguson.  CARRIED.


Chair Vacated.      Mr John  Seaward took the Chair


All positions relinquished with a call for Nominations.


President: Mr Don Kell.   No further nominations.


Moved Mark Allman,  Seconded John Seaward.  All in favour.  CARRIED.


Vice President: Steve Matthews and Chris Evans both were nominated, however Mr Evans declined.  Steve Matthews nominated and accepted the position.


Moved: Keith Thoms and seconded by Andy Holland              CARRIED.



Secretary / Treasurer. Mr Ian Moore.  No further nominations.


Moved: Dave Ferguson.  Seconded by Ian Granland.               CARRIED.



Committee Members. Six Members elected.


Keith Thoms

Nominated by Don Kell,   Seconded by Dave Ferguson.  CARRIED..


Terry Healy

Nominated by Don Kell,   Seconded by Andy Holland.  CARRIED.


Dave Ferguson

Nominated by Ian Granland.      Seconded by John Seaward.   CARRIED.

John Seaward

Nominated by Andy Holland.     Seconded by John Clarke.      CARRIED.


Chris Evans

Nominated by Keith Thoms.       Seconded by Ian Moore.         CARRIED.

Peter Webb

Nominated by  Ian Granland.      Seconded by Dave Ferguson.  CARRIED.





To consider function at R.S.L.  and Twin Towns, Queensland in 2011. Also function at the old Academy in Bourke Street, Redfern. Enquiries to be carried out and report as to suitability etc. 


Moved:  John Clarke    Seconded  Chris Evans                         CARRIED.


Discussion held re Internet fees.  Current  expires in September, 2010. To ensure payments are made a Commitment of $29-00 per month to be paid from Ex Police Cadet Police Credit Union account. Resolved to set up automatic payment. Until a change occurs..


Moved:     Ian Granland        Seconded by      John Seaward.         CARRIED. 


Next Meeting to be held at City of Sydney R.S.L. Level 2 on Wednesday 13th October, 2010, at 12md.



No further business, Meeting closed at   13:20HRS






Ian C Moore

Secretary / Treasurer

(The best Ex Police Cadets in the World).