Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

In excess of 20 members attended the Association's Annual General Meeting held at the City of Sydney RSL Club in George Street today. At the same time a number of apologies were read out.

In the absence of the president, Barry Leaney the former and inaugural president of the Association was voted in to chair the meeting.

Mr Leaney outlined the background of the Ex-Cadet Association to date particularly providing details of the past 12 months activities as he knew them.

He went on to give an explanation of the financial positiion of the organisation which is in a very healthy state boasting $10,999.71 in funds at the Police Credit Union.

The secretary, Ian Moore, then read a detailed letter from the incumbent president, Rick Del Monte which was taken as the president's report.  It gave a detailed account of what had taken place with the Association since his election last year.

Mr Leaney the declared all positions vacant and the following were elected:

    President                        -     Don Kell
    Vice President               -     Steve Matthews
    Secretary/Treasurer     -     Ian Moore
    Committee                      -      Dave Ferguson
                                                     John Seward
                                                     Keith Thoms
                                                     Terry Healey
                                                     Chris Evans

With Mr Kell in the chair he gave voice to the members saying that the most would be done to present a good solid Association and looked forward to the co-operation of those who had been elected to the committee and at the same time suggesting that a major get-together function could be held before then end of the year.

Don Kell, cadet No. 1540 and now at 66, is a retired successful businessman residing at Umina on the Central Coast.    He spent three years in the cadets and is very keen to lead the group into the future.

The meeting set a committee meeting for late August.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of another major function as well as holding a get-together at the former Bourke Street Academy for a walk through and bar-b-que in the near future.

The issue of a possible name change for the Association was put on the table to make provision to add 'Junior Trainees' sometime in the future. 

Those in attendance were informed that there is provision in the constitution for former junior trainees to join the Association and as a result the need for an immediate alteration to the name of the organisation may be some time off.

There was nothing but positive vibes to come out of the meeting with all those attending very keen for the organisation to continue as is.  They were also eager for the recruitment of new members after it was announced that while the current membership stood at a healthy 630 there was very much room for more.

Dave Ferguson who suffered a stroke late last year was in attendence and showed that he is now in very good health and has lost nothing of his enthusiasm and passion for the Ex-Cadets Association of NSW. He can't wait to call the roll at the next function!!