Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

What ever happened to Cadet ... Posted: Monday, August 6, 2007

Now that I’ve got your attention.....

As a member of the Ex-Police Cadets Association of NSW, I am sure that you are aware of our website at www.expolicecadets.asn.au.  If not, could I suggest that if you have access to the internet, then you visit the Association’s site soon.  There you will find in the “Menu” a sub-site called “Where are they now?”

The purpose of this letter is to ask whether you might be interested in having your life, since leaving the Cadets, showcased in this chapter of the Cadet’s website.

If so, could you forward a “Word” document to Bruce Howe, who is a Committee Member and also the Association’s Historian, at plimsal@bigpond.com, which sets out a brief resume of your personal, professional and social life since leaving the Cadets.  You might also like to separately attach a .jpg photograph of high quality either of you as a Cadet (in uniform of otherwise) or a recent snapshot.

It would be interesting to know whether you left the Cadets prior to being sworn in and, if so, why you were tempted to leave the Cadets prior to entering the Police Force provided, of course, that you are willing to share this.  Also, it would be interesting to know where you served as a member of the Police Force, the duties you were on, any highlights worth mentioning and then what happened during the rest of your life after you left police employment.

Any personal anecdotes would be welcome.  No doubt, we have all striven to be the world’s best husband and father, but would you like to leave behind a personal history of what you have made of your life in other employment and your personal contribution to public life? – “e.g” sporting, community and civic service, so that all browsers of the ex-cadet website could benefit from your description of what happened to you since you were one of history’s greatest icons – a NSW Police Cadet!

If you need any advice on how to put together your story, please do not hesitate to contact us