Ex-Police Cadets
Association of NSW

May 2007 Newsletter Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2007



It has been sometime since our last newsletter and your committee has not been idle.


We have been busy with the following;


4.                 1.  We are now Incorporated and are now known as “Ex Police Cadet Association of NSW Incorporated” Association Membership is currently 527.


2.  Roll Call (full list of cadets from 1933 – 1977) has now been completed.  Bruce Howe has spent many hours at the Archives Section, Kingswood where he has had to physically search Old Service Records to obtain information of former Cadets.  The Police Department does not have a separate record of Cadets.


3.                 A history of the NSW Police Cadet Service has been compiled by Bruce Howe and  we are currently in discussion with the Police Association and Police Department regarding funding for publication of this book.

Please indicate if you would purchase a copy of this book when published, Cost estimated to be around $30-00 per copy. (require estimate of copies required)


5.                 Web-sitehas been completed and is now up and running. To access the site go to www.expolicecadets.asn.au   All information regarding upcoming events etc. is to be posted on this web-site. We are seeking sponsors for the Web-Site – please contact us for further information.


6.                 ReunionLunches:   We have had three and another is being planned for Friday the 31st August 2007 – further details to be displayed on Web-Site when finalized.


7.                 June 2008 is the 75th anniversary of the NSW Police Cadets.  It is intended to hold a Function to mark this event.  In this regard we seek your input – do you want it to be a mixed function, a formal occasion or would you prefer that it be conducted along the lines of our normal reunion/lunches (i-e., more low key)  If a formal occasion we intend to ask the Commissioner of Police, and perhaps the Governor, Police Minister or some other VIPs.  Please let us know so that the majority rules. 


Even though it is some time away an event like this will involve a lot of planning.


8.                 AGM. Our initial AGM is to be held on Monday 2nd July, 2007 at Police Headquarters 1 Charles Street Parramatta – meet in foyer at 11-00am., meeting to commence at 11-30am.


There are eight (8) positions available on the Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 general positions.  It is considered by the current committee that it would be advantageous if 2 positions on the in-coming committee were serving members. All members of the current committee are seeking re-election.